===================================================================== VERTICAL SOLUTIONS ORDER FORM -- FASTENVELOPE 2.0 ===================================================================== Name: _______________________________________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State ____ Zip ______________ Country: ___________________________ Phone: (_____) ______-______________ Qty Product Price Amt --------------------------------------------------------------------- FastLabel Labeling Software $79.95 FastEnvelope Envelope Printing DA $79.95 Disk Accessory Plus Disk Labeling Software $10.00 FastEnvelope 'Lite' Envlope printing DA $10.00 FastLabel 'Lite' Labeling Software $10.00 **MacLabelPak FastLabel,FastEnvelope, and DA+ $29.95 (Note: 'Lite' software is identical to the commercial version, but the manual is included on disk and not printed. Lite versions are intended for experienced Macintosh users. You will receive the latest version of the software, its manuals, and help screens with your software order.) Disk Labels for Laser Printers (240/pkg-12/sheet) $24.95 VDS 240 Wall mountable Disk Storage (holds 240) $49.95 VDS 120 Wall mountable Disk Storage (holds 120) $24.95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Total Shipping $5.00 (Add $7.50 for VDS240/120, Add $5.00 international orders) ------------------------ Total ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SEND MORE INFORMATION: __ Catalog __ FastLabel 3.0 __ Disk Accessory Plus __Wall Mountable Disk Storage ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PAYMENT __VISA/MC/AMEX #_________________________________ Exp Date __________ __ Check Enclosed __ Purchase Order (Educ, Govt, Fortune 500 only, Add $4.25 processing) Signature _________________________________ Date ____________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIL/FAX To: Vertical Solutions PO Box 1150 Beaverton, OR 97075-1150 503.671.0511 • 503.646.8248 (fax)